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Documentary session curated by Porto Femme + talk with dancer/landscape architect Pedro Prazeres.



Portugal, 2020, 82'31"

Director: Cláudia Ribeiro


In a small village in Portugal’s remote country, between the rivers Douro and Tâmega, live some thirty odd people. At the top of a hill, in an isolated part, live sisters Ana and Glória, whom the baker, fishmonger, grocer, and their children visit once a week. Everything else comes from the soil, which the two sisters work from sunrise to sunset, between the strips of farmed land. We follow their life over the course of a year as the relationship between the director and the two becomes closer. Gradually, the veil is lifted from these women’s day-to-day life and their deepest thoughts about life in the country, the only one they know.


Cláudia Ribeiro was born in 1990, in Guimarães, in the North of Portugal, and currently lives in Porto. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Film and a Master’s in Anthropology - Visual Cultures. Her work is focused mainly on the concepts of culture and identity, moved by a constant questioning of human behaviour, memory, representation, and the concept of reality. The Life We Know is her debut in documentary film, the result of 7 months of painstaking fieldwork in a small inland village in northern Portugal.

Pedro Prazeres’ work combines dance and landscape in a symbiotic relation of cross-fertilising knowledge. Taking turns between landscape architecture and choreography, his works sit at the intersection of both creative processes, as he weaves his artistic practice between the place, the subject, and the ethereal. For him, landscape and dance resonate through a sensory, proprioceptive and intuitive approach.

After a degree in Landscape Architecture in Lisbon and Helsinki, a dance degree in Dundee and Prague (where he was awarded INOV-Art grant for artistic crossings), he started working as a dancer and landscape architect in Prague and Berlin. Recently, after finishing the MA programme ex.e.r.ce at the National Choreographic Centre of Montpellier, where he deepened his research on Landscape, Dance and other stories, he has started to direct his artistic research towards the notions of in betweenness, non place and free will - how humans condition the environment and how, in turn, the environment conditions human decisions is a major theme in Prazeres’ present work.

Along with his work teaching landscape architecture and as a consultant, Prazeres develops dance installations and performances. He has presented his work in international festivals, such as DDD festival (Dias da Dança), in Porto, FIDCU, in Montevideo, and also museums, like the Serralves Foundation and the Prague National Gallery, as well as in theatres, non-conventional venues, and urban and rural landscapes. He has worked as an interpreter and collaborator with Antonjia Livingstone, Martha Moore, Fabrice Ramalingom, Joclécio Azevedo, Carole Steine, to name a few. 

Prazeres is also an experienced educator, sharing his knowledge through workshops for professional dancers, in dance schools, with the general public and with social, educational and mental health institutions.